ipmininet.router.config.base module

This modules provides a config object for a router, that is able to provide configurations for a set of routing daemons. It also defines the base class for a daemon, as well as a minimalistic configuration for a router.

class ipmininet.router.config.base.BasicRouterConfig(node: Router, daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), additional_daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ipmininet.router.config.base.RouterConfig

A basic router that will run an OSPF daemon

A simple router made of at least an OSPF daemon

Parameters:additional_daemons – Other daemons that should be used
class ipmininet.router.config.base.BorderRouterConfig(node: Router, daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), additional_daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ipmininet.router.config.base.BasicRouterConfig

A router config that will run both OSPF and BGP, and redistribute all connected router into BGP.

A simple router made of at least an OSPF daemon and a BGP daemon

Parameters:additional_daemons – Other daemons that should be used
class ipmininet.router.config.base.Daemon(node: IPNode, template_lookup: mako.lookup.TemplateLookup = <mako.lookup.TemplateLookup object>, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This class serves as base for routing daemons

  • node – The node for which we build the config
  • template_lookup – The TemplateLookup object of the template directory
  • kwargs – Pre-set options for the daemon, see defaults()
NAME = None
PRIO = 10
build() → ipmininet.router.config.utils.ConfigDict

Build the configuration tree for this daemon

Returns:ConfigDict-like object describing this configuration

Return the main filename in which this daemon config should be stored


Return the list of filenames in which this daemon config should be stored


Cleanup the files belonging to this daemon


The startup line to use to check that the daemon is well-configured

classmethod get_config(topo: IPTopo, node: NodeDescription, **kwargs)

Returns a config object for the daemon if any

has_started(node_exec: ProcessHelper = None) → bool

Return whether this daemon has started or not :param node_exec:


Get the options ConfigDict for this daemon

render(cfg, **kwargs) → Dict[str, str]

Render the configuration content for each config file of this daemon

  • cfg – The global config for the node
  • kwargs – Additional keywords args. will be passed directly to the template

Update defaults to contain the defaults specific to this daemon


Return the corresponding startup_line for this daemon

write(cfg: Dict[str, str])

Write down the configuration files for this daemon

Parameters:cfg – The configuration string for each filename
class ipmininet.router.config.base.NodeConfig(node: IPNode, daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), sysctl: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This class manages a set of daemons, and generates the global configuration for a node

Initialize our config builder

  • node – The node for which this object will build configurations
  • daemons – an iterable of active routing daemons for this node
  • sysctl – A dictionary of sysctl to set for this node. By default, it enables IPv4/IPv6 forwarding on all interfaces.
add_private_fs_path(loc: Sequence[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = ())

Build the configuration for each daemon, then write the configuration files

build_host_file(filename: str)

Cleanup all temporary files for the daemons

daemon(key: Union[str, Daemon, Type[Daemon]]) → ipmininet.router.config.base.Daemon

Return the Daemon object in this config for the given key

Parameters:key – the daemon name or a daemon class or instance
Returns:the Daemon object
Raises:KeyError – if not found

Method called after all daemon classes were instantiated

register_daemon(cls: Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]], **daemon_opts)

Add a new daemon to this configuration

  • cls – Daemon class or object, or a 2-tuple (Daemon, dict)
  • daemon_opts – Options to set on the daemons

Return an list of all sysctl to set on this node

class ipmininet.router.config.base.OpenrRouterConfig(node: OpenrRouter, daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), additional_daemons: Iterable[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon], Tuple[Union[Daemon, Type[Daemon]], Dict[KT, VT]]]] = (), *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ipmininet.router.config.base.RouterConfig

A basic router that will run an OpenR daemon

A simple router made of at least an OpenR daemon

Parameters:additional_daemons – Other daemons that should be used
class ipmininet.router.config.base.RouterConfig(node: Router, sysctl=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ipmininet.router.config.base.NodeConfig

compute_routerid() → str

Computes the default router id for all daemons. If a router ids were explicitly set for some of its daemons, the router id set to the daemon with the highest priority is chosen as the global router id. Otherwise if it has IPv4 addresses, it returns the most-visible one among its router interfaces. If both conditions are wrong, it generates a unique router id.

static incr_last_routerid()

Method called after all daemon classes were instantiated

class ipmininet.router.config.base.RouterDaemon(node: IPNode, template_lookup: mako.lookup.TemplateLookup = <mako.lookup.TemplateLookup object>, **kwargs)

Bases: ipmininet.router.config.base.Daemon

  • node – The node for which we build the config
  • template_lookup – The TemplateLookup object of the template directory
  • kwargs – Pre-set options for the daemon, see defaults()

Build the configuration tree for this daemon

Returns:ConfigDict-like object describing this configuration
  • logfile – the path to the logfile for the daemon
  • routerid – the router id for this daemon